ALL FIRST-TIME PARENTS are faced with a seemingly endless stream of questions, decisions, and unknowns about how to raise and...
Category: Newsletters & Blogs

Which Toothbrush Is Best?
BACK IN THE GOOD old days before the 1930s, toothbrush bristles were made of animal hair. We’re pretty happy to live in...

Maintaining Your Post-Invisible Aligner Smile
WHILE TRADITIONAL WIRE braces are still the most efficient at straightening teeth, fixing crowding, and correcting an underbite or overbite, invisible aligners have...

DIY Teeth Whitening Trends: Fact Or Fiction?
RENDS IMPACT JUST about every aspect of life, from slang and fashion to which toys are collectibles this year and which...

See The Full Picture On Dental X-Rays
IF YOU COULD HAVE any superpower, what would it be? Would you choose super strength? How about the power of flight?...

Have You Gotten Screened For Oral Cancer Lately?
THROUGHOUT LIFE PEOPLE get regular prostate exams, mammograms and colonoscopies. These preventative health care exams are extremely important for detecting any...

How Much Calcium Do We Actually Need?
WE’VE ALL HEARD calcium builds strong bones and is key to preventing osteoporosis. But did you know taking in the right amount...

Ever Wonder How Teeth Whitening Works?
IT IS NOT UNCOMMON for your teeth to lose their luster over time, which is why so many people are interested...

Nail Biting And Oral Health
WE CALL SUSPENSEFUL BOOKS “nail-biters,” but the habit of nail biting itself has less exciting connotations. The most obvious consequence is...

Easy Ways To Improve Your Dental Health
WE’VE ALL HEARD that if we want healthy teeth, we should brush twice a day, floss once a day, and schedule...